ProductSync by Outfunnel

ProductSync by Outfunnel

by Outfunnel

Sync product events and properties to Pipedrive and see product-qualified leads right inside the CRM. Deep integrations with Segment and Posthog.

Automate my pipeline and data, Other use cases

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See the usage of key features right inside Pipedrive

  • Easily access all your product events and usage properties via Segment or Posthog.
  • Sync key product usage events and properties to Pipedrive and trigger the right workflow for each account.
  • Offer context about the usage of specific features for salespeople right inside Pipedrive.

Deep Pipedrive integration

  • Sync key product usage events as Activities.
  • Sync product usage properties to custom fields.
  • Initiate marketing or sales workflows by creating follow-up Activities, opening Deals, or updating fields/properties. (Coming soon)

Installation instructions

Click the green "Install now" button to grant Outfunnel access to your Pipedrive data. Then, create your password. You can later sign in via your Pipedrive account or email/password.

Once you’re signed in, click on Sync configuration to create connections between your product event management platform (Segment or Posthog) and Pipedrive.

That’s it! Your salespeople will now have access to key product events and properties right inside the CRM.

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