Account Centric is an website visitor tracking tool for B2B lead generation. Discovery organizations that are showing purchase intent on your website.

Attract new leads, Qualify my leads, Other use cases

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Account Centric is an website visitor tracking tool for B2B lead generation. Learn which organizations are showing purchase intent on your website and which content they are engaging with. Account Centric provides an purchase intent score on your prospects so you know which leads are showing the most purchase intent signals. Stay informed by enabling email notifications when key accounts interact with your website.

To start enriching your sales intel within Pipedrive, start a free trial with Account Centric. Next, add Account Centric’s tracking pixel to your website to begin collecting valuable sales prospecting intel. Lastly, connect Account Centric with Pipedrive to enriches your Pipedrive organization timelines and sales prospecting experience.

Account Centric’s purchase intent data can be viewed in two different areas in Pipedrive’s organization profiles. The first area is in the sidebar where Account Centrics’s intent score is synced with a custom field in Pipedrive organization profiles. The second area is in Pipedrive organization's timeline where intent data is added whenever an account shows purchase intent signals. Adding Account Centric's intent data in Pipedrive's organization timelines enables sales and marketing teams to view purchase intent signals in combination with their sales prospecting activities in a chronological manner.

Installation instructions

  1. In the top right corner of the page, click the “Install now” button.

  2. Next, you will see a Pipedrive overlay with information on the integration with Account Centric including access levels needed for Account Centric to interact with Pipedrive.

  3. Click the “Allow and Install” button which will bring you back to Account Centric.

  4. Next, select a domain field under the label “Pipedrive Domain Field”. This field will make the connection between Account Centric accounts and Pipedrive organizations. If you do not have domain field listed under your Organization profiles, you can select the “Domain Field (Created by Account Centric)” option. Selecting the “Domain Field (Created by Account Centric)” option will create a domain field under your Pipedrive organization profiles.

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