Enable Us by Mindtickle: Digital Sales Rooms

Enable Us by Mindtickle: Digital Sales Rooms

by Enable Us by Mindtickle


Enable Us by Mindtickle is a Digital Sales Room solution that makes the B2B buying experience more efficient, transparent, and personal.

Qualify my leads, Manage contracts, Automate my pipeline and data

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Our Pipedrive integration makes it easier for your sales team to engage, collaborate, and respond to prospects, ultimately increasing chances of closing deals. Our Digital Sales Room solution empowers sellers to build digital buying experiences that curate relevant content, mutual action plans, and signable documents tailored to the prospect’s needs.

You can create personalized Digital Sales Rooms synced with your Pipedrive deals. This enables your sales organization to:

  • Better prioritize deals and forecast sales
  • Close deals more quickly
  • Get complete visibility into buyer engagement
  • Deepen seller and buyer relationships and communications
  • Stay in sync with buyers and key decision makers

The integration allows you to configure which activities you'd like to write to Pipedrive, including when:

  • A Digital Sales Room is created
  • A Digital Sales Room is edited
  • A Digital Sales Room is visited
  • A shared link is visited
  • A mutual action plan task is completed
  • A conversation message is posted

Additionally, when a Digital Sales Room is shared with a person not currently in your CRM, you can configure the integration to create a Person associated with a Deal and Organization. If available, Person data can be enriched automatically, which enables your sales team to identify additional stakeholders in the buying process.

Enable Us by Mindtickle Digital Sales Rooms enable your sales team to be in lock step with your prospects throughout the buying process.

Installation instructions

Existing Enable Us by Mindtickle Customers

Note: Your Enable Us by Mindtickle organization must be subscribed to a Growth or Enterprise-level Plan

  1. To start the integration, log in to Enable Us by Mindtickle with an admin account
  2. Go to Organization Settings > Integrations
  3. Click the 'Connect' button next to the Pipedrive option to begin the authentication process. This should be completed by someone with Pipedrive admin rights or a high level of access to all data you'd like to sync over.
  4. Enable Us by Mindtickle will sync in your Deals, Persons, and Organizations to use within the platform.
  5. You'll receive an email notification when the sync is complete.

New to Enable Us by Mindtickle?

  1. Sign up for an account here
  2. Create an account
  3. Create an organization
  4. Subscribe to the Growth or Enterprise Plan
  5. Follow the steps listed under Existing Enable Us by Mindtickle Customers

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