

by LeaDroid

LeaDroid tells you who visits your website and transfers potential sales leads to Pipedrive.

Attract new leads, Qualify my leads

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LeaDroid tells you who visits your website and sends potential sales leads over to Pipedrive. You can get started with just four clicks and there's no credit card required to give it a try.

Installation instructions

We've now set up and tested our Pipedrive-integration and everything is as simple as it can be.

If you are currently using Pipedrive and want to transfer leads from LeaDroid automatically, just go to pipedrive.com and Settings--> Personal --> API. There you can see the API token that is used to transfer leads from LeaDroid to Pipedrive.

When you come back to LeaDroid, just click on Settings-->Integrations-->Pipedrive, drop the token in the window and press "Save". You're all done.

Now you don't have to manually input leads to Pipedrive when they show up in LeaDroid. Happy selling!

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