

by Leadinfo B.V.

With Leadinfo you can see which companies visit your website and which pages they are viewing in real-time.

Attract new leads, Qualify my leads

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With Leadinfo you can see which companies visit your website and which pages they are viewing in real-time. This knowledge will help increase your sales.

With this integration, you can sync recognized leads from Leadinfo to Pipedrive and stay up to date with their visits to your website:

  • Push leads from Leadinfo to Pipedrive. You can link a recognized lead to an existing company or create a new company
  • Website visits are automagically synced to Pipedrive as notes.

Installation instructions

Connecting Leadinfo with Pipedrive is simple:

If you are not a Leadinfo user, you can sign up for free at https://www.leadinfo.com

If you are already a Leadinfo user you can integrate with Pipedrive by visiting https://portal.leadinfo.com, go to Settings > Integrations to connect to Pipedrive. After clicking "Continue" to authorize Leadinfo to access your Pipedrive company you're all set!

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