
Upgrade your Pipedrive account with leading multi-channel customer support software

Communicate with leads, Manage my accounts, Support my customers

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LiveAgent is an omnichannel customer service software. It combines classical help desk features such as ticketing, live chat and call center with social media support and advanced rules & workflows.

LiveAgent for Pipedrive enables you to get a CRM widget right into your tickets. Register new leads/deals, monitor your sales pipeline and get instant access to every contact information you might need.

Installation instructions

To get started, you need to have a LiveAgent account. If you do not have an account, create one [here] (

To get your PipeDrive CRM integration, please go through the following steps:

  1. In LiveAgent, click System> Plugins and activate the PipeDrive integration plugin.

  2. When the plugin is activated, click on the info button of the right side of the plugin and proceed with the Pipedrive authorization.

  3. When authorization is finished, you will be able to see a PipeDrive icon in your ticket info/details panel.

  4. Once you click on the PipeDrive icon, you'll be able to view and add all PipeDrive deals registered for the customer which you are assisting in LiveAgent.

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