Your sales team can turn deals in Pipedrive with the Paycove integration into invoices without changing their workflow.

Manage contracts, Enable payments and tracking

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Paycove is invoicing tool with which users can automatically create custom quotes and invoices that sync with the data from different CRMs.

The integration between Pipedrive and Paycove allows users to send invoices without ever leaving Pipedrive. By moving a deal to a selected "trigger" stage in the pipeline, it’ll automatically generate and email an invoice. The quotes and invoices in Paycove are always synced with deal, contact, product and custom fields data in Pipedrive. Paycove also updates all your deals and keeps you informed of payments and notifications. In this way your sales team can turn deals into invoices without changing their workflow.

The seamless integration between the two platforms also allows users to sync your existing Pipedrive product library and all products that are associated with deals will be added as a line on your Paycove quote or invoice. If your plan in Pipedrive doesn't include products you can easily create them in Paycove. Paycove also automates the entire billing process and you can even keep your quote and invoice data synced with your favourite accounting software.

Installation instructions

1.Select Pipedrive as your CRM. 2. Connect your Pipedrive API token. 3. Configure the Pipelines and Stages for events. And you are good to go! For more information you can check out Paycove's youtube channel and their 4-part videoseries about the integration: Part 1 Connect Paycove and Pipedrive: Part 2 Paycove Settings and Configurations: Part 3 Sending Invoices with Pipedrive: Part 4 Recurring Invoices with Pipedrive:

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