Sales Script Prompter
freeinteractive features

Sales Script Prompter

by Sales Script Prompter

freeinteractive features
freeinteractive features

SalesScript Prompter lets you turn telephone conversations into a script and make your life easier.

Qualify my leads, Communicate with leads, Automate my pipeline and data, Manage my accounts

App screenshot
App screenshot
App screenshot
App screenshot
App screenshot
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Create a phone call script in a few minutes and have it ready for use. You can even import custom fields from Pipedrive to Sales Script Prompter and use them in your script. Use sales scripts and view reports of your employees. Run the sales scripts by phone from the contact view in Pipedrive or from the list of cards.

Why you need Sales Script Prompter:

  • Cut mistakes in conversations by 90%
  • Increase conversions by 100% due to correct conversation scenarios
  • Reduce sales turnover by 30%
  • New joiners in sales departments finish their training twice as fast

Key Features:

  • Create a phone call script or use ready-made templates and adapt them to your needs
  • Import custom fields from Pipedrive to Sales Script Prompter (Menu > Custom fields) and paste them into the necessary places in the script
  • Make calls using the script, make adjustments and view statistics
  • Exchange user field data between Pipedrive CRM and Sales Script Prompter during the script call (with data saved in the Pipedrive CRM card)




Kick off related actions in Sales Script Prompter as you work with your deals, contacts and/or activities in Pipedrive.


Locations:person detailsorganization detailsdeal details


Locations:deal listPeople listorganization list

Installation instructions

You need an account for Sales Script Prompter. Installation is super easy. Just click the install button, and if you already have an account for Sales Script Prompter, the system will authorize you. If not, the system will register you as a new user. Then you can change the password to enter ( -> Menu -> Settings).

**Important! **Initial installation of the application is allowed only for users with account administrator rights. If you are an employee, please get in touch with your account administrator.

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