is a data integration and cloud automation platform. Integrate Pipedrive with 120+ cloud tools and automate any workflows across them.

Qualify my leads, Automate my pipeline and data

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With you can connect your Pipedrive to marketing automation platforms, project management tools, lead gen forms, advertising platforms, databases, helpdesks and even machine learning apps.

Automate any workflows across your marketing and sales cloud stack:

  • Connect your lead gen forms (e.g. Gravity Forms, Typeform, Sumo, Facebook Lead Ads...) with Pipedrive and automatically sync your leads.

  • Enrich your lead or customer data with data enrichment tools (e.g. Clearbit, Graydon, FullContact...) and update data in Pipedrive or push enriched data to a marketing automation platform.

  • Connect Pipedrive to internal communication channels (e.g. Slack) and send notifications to your sales team everytime a new lead is qualified.

  • Sync your webshop customer data with Pipedrive

  • Connect Pipedrive to Facebook Ads or Google AdWords, automatically create Lookalike or Custom Audiences and trigger campaigns for specific segments

  • Sync with marketing automation and emailing platforms to trigger campaigns for new leads or existing customers

  • Integrate with event platforms, project management tools, helpdesks and more.

Discover all integrations here

Installation instructions

  1. Make sure you have an account on Pipedrive and

  2. Connect Pipedrive and any other cloud tool you want to work with Pipedrive inside

  3. Start building your automation flow in Data Blend Editor. Connect Pipedrive and other tool action blocks, adding conditions, variables, and other blocks

  4. Save your Data Blend.

  5. Perform a test run

For more detailed explanation visit

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