G2 Buyer Intent + Pipedrive

G2 Buyer Intent + Pipedrive

by G2


The G2 app for Pipedrive syncs high-intent accounts from G2 Buyer Intent data into Pipedrive organizations and people objects.

Attract new leads, Qualify my leads, Automate my pipeline and data

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This app is either entirely free or offers some features for free. There may be limits on how much you can use certain features for free, and you might need to open paid account to access all features.


The G2 app for Pipedrive syncs G2 Buyer Intent data collected from G2.com into Pipedrive via organizations and people objects.

G2 Buyer Intent data is account-level insights into buyer behaviors captured from the G2.com marketplace. It represents account interests and browsing activity as buyers research and interact with Products and Categories on G2.

Customers who have both a G2 Buyer Intent (Pro, Power, Power+) Plan and a Pipedrive license can access this app. Companies browsing your G2 Profile, Category, and Product, as well as Sponsored Content, Competitor profile and Comparison views, are sent directly into the corresponding organization and people objects in Pipedrive. Custom G2 fields supplement existing Pipedrive data. You can also create net-new organizations when selected.

This integration empowers sales teams to:

  • Prioritize and fill their pipeline with accounts showing active purchase intent on G2.com

  • Confidently engage verified accounts that are conducting relevant business research

  • Create personalized, effective outreach that converts for every critical action a prospect takes

Installation instructions

Visit my.g2.com and navigate to the /integrations/pipedrive page. Follow the setup instructions there. Note that this is only available to paying G2 customers.

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