interactive features


by Zimple Oy

interactive features
interactive features

Send sales invoices from Pipedrive to Procountor

Enable payments and tracking

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Procountor is an online accounting and financial management software. Install Procountor add-on into your Pipedrive and start sending sales invoices directly from Pipedrive.

With Procountor application, you can:

  • Create Procountor sales invoice from your Pipedrive deals
  • Control how your customer and product information is managed in both Pipedrive and Procountor
  • Synch your product data from Procountor to Pipedrive

Try Procountor add-on with a 30-days free trial!

Please contact our sales for pricing information after the trial.




Kick off related actions in Procountor as you work with your deals, contacts and/or activities in Pipedrive.

Invoice settings

Locations:deal details

Create invoice

Locations:deal details

Installation instructions

To start using the Procountor add-on, follow these instructions:

  1. Obtain a Procountor API key for a user which has access to create invoices, customers and products in Procountor
  2. Install the add-on from this page by clicking "Install now"
  3. After the installation you will be taken to the add-on onboarding Wizard. First enter the Procountor API key in it's corresponding field
  4. Follow the onboarding Wizard to complete your invoicing configuration
  5. All done! Ready to send your invoices

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