Retently CX

Retently CX

by Retently


Send your contacts email CX surveys via Retently and export survey answers to Pipedrive people and organizations.

Attract new leads, Other use cases

App screenshot
App screenshot
App screenshot
App screenshot
This app is either entirely free or offers some features for free. There may be limits on how much you can use certain features for free, and you might need to open paid account to access all features.


The Retently-Pipedrive integration allows you to import your Pipedrive contacts to Retently and send them email NPS, CSAT, CES and other surveys to gauge their engagment with your business.

The integration will also automatically export survey responses as people and organization properties and notes in Pipedrive for further data segmentation and automation in Pipedrive.

Installation instructions

To get started, you will need a Retently account.

Import Pipedrive contacts:

  • From the Integrations page, find Pipedrive in the list and click the "Connect" button.
  • Once you've connected your Pipedrive account to Retently, you will access the Integration page, where you will see all your Pipedrive lists displayed. Find a list that you need to import to Retently and click the "Sync now" button. Alternatively, you can access a list's dropdown menu and choose the "Activate auto-sync" option to have your list synced automatically on a regular basis.

Export survey data to Pipedrive:

  • From within your survey campaign editor, access the Export section.
  • If you don't have a Pipedrive export, you can create a new one.
  • In the Pipedrive export item, you can select all the survey fields that you want to export to Pipedrive.

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