

by Pipedrive Professional


Create a person or organization and update deals and activities with Segment: a single platform that unifies customer data from dozens of integrations

Automate my pipeline and data

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An app is the beta version

Twilio Segment is the world’s leading Customer Data Platform (CDP). The platform provides companies with the data foundation they need to put their customers at the heart of every decision.

  • Using Segment, companies can collect, unify and route their customer data to any system where it’s needed to better understand their customers and create seamless, compelling experiences in real time.

Take action with Segment data

  • Create or update a person
  • Create or update an activity
  • Create or update a lead
  • Create or update a note
  • Create or update a deal
  • Create or update an organization

Get more out of Pipedrive with Segment When you use Pipedrive with Segment, you don’t need to manually export and upload data to Pipedrive. Your customer data will remain up to date in real time and across all enabled integrations. Every tool you use to interact with leads and customers will land in Pipedrive, so you can always have a clear picture in front of you.

Note: To enable the integration, you must first map actions using the data trigger. Example: Email was sent —> create or update activity in Pipedrive.

An app is still in the development stages and not the final version

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