Smarty Accounting
interactive features

Smarty Accounting

by Smarty Software LTD

interactive features
interactive features

Enterprise accounting software by Smarty Software

Enable payments and tracking

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Managing finances such as invoices, expenses, cash flow and inventory can be a lot to handle.

Smarty Accounting is like having your own in-house finance team. The system can monitor your bank account and remind clients about overdue payments, minimizing the amount of accounting work you do. As well as taking care of your pesky paperwork, Smarty Accounting lets you export detailed financial reports with a few clicks.




Kick off related actions in Smarty Accounting as you work with your deals, contacts and/or activities in Pipedrive.

Create Organization

Locations:organization detailsorganization list

Create Contact

Locations:deal detailsdeal listperson detailsPeople list

Installation instructions

If you have a Smarty Accounting account, simply log in.

If you don't have an account, sign up and then follow the instructions.

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