Simplify interviews with Quil's AI note-taker. Quil eliminates manual note-taking, captures valuable insights, and automatically updates your ATS.

Nurture my leads, Communicate with leads, Automate my pipeline and data, Manage my accounts

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AI Note-taker by Quil is an innovative tool that not only effortlessly captures and organizes interview data but also seamlessly integrates with leading platforms such as Pipedrive. Quil records calls, transcribes speakers, generates customizable notes and creates follow up documents all automatically. Quil saves hours of tedious admin work per day for the average user. Quil also seamlessly integrates with Pipedrive, allowing you to sync notes from Quil to Pipedrive without the manual copy and paste.

By automating these traditionally time-consuming tasks, we liberate your schedule, providing you with more time to connect with candidates and make critical decisions that drive your hiring success. Consider our AI Notetaker as your virtual hiring assistant, offering real-time recommendations to enhance the efficiency of your hiring process. At, we go beyond being a mere tool; we position ourselves as your strategic partner in simplifying the intricate world of hiring. Embrace a superior way of recruiting with us.

Installation instructions

Sign into Quil

Using your Quil credentials. Login via

Visit your Team Settings

Using the sidebar, Navigate to your Team Settings.

Add Pipedrive Integration

Change tabs to "Integrations" and scroll down until you see Pipedrive. Follow the next steps and continue. When the "Connect" button changes to "Disconnect" then you have successfully connected your Pipedrive.

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