interactive features


by Highways.io

interactive features
interactive features

Use Highways to bridge the gap between Pipedrive and Intercom. View, create and jump to deals and contacts right from within the Intercom inbox.

Automate my pipeline and data, Support my customers

App screenshot
App screenshot
App screenshot


Highways.io is designed to bring your Intercom inbox closer to Pipedrive. Fewer tabs mean less switching and more productivity for your team. Installation is simple, clean and designed to work directly from your Intercom Inbox.


  • create deals in the Intercom inbox
  • view deals in the Intercom inbox
  • search and open Pipedrive deals from Intercom
  • monitor deals in real time from within Intercom
  • create and view Pipedrive contacts




Instantly see and interact with Highways as you dive into the details of your deals/contacts in Pipedrive.

Intercom by Highways

Locations:person details

Installation instructions

You need a valid Intercom and Pipedrive accounts to install our app.

As an Intercom Workspace admin, simply browse to the Intercom app store and choose the "Pipedrive by Highways" app. Once installed, the app will be available to you and other Intercom users in that Intercom workspace.

Important: Intercom requires that you be a workspace admin to install an app to a given workspace. After the app is installed to an Intercom Workspace, users can simply add the app to their Inbox and launch the installation procedure from within Intercom Inbox.

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