

by Spinify

Boost performance and motivate your sales team. See quick results with epic team goals and celebrating the success of your reps.

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Boost performance and motivate your sales team. Gamification made easy!

Spinify helps you increase sales and engagement and improves workplace culture! See quick results in performance while changing office culture with epic team goals.

Celebrate success, recognize reps and coach your team where needed. Improved visibility on TVs, mobiles and web.

Improve and motivate your team with lively leaderboards using your data to celebrate and encourage in real-time via amazing gamification techniques.

The results will convince you: Increased performance, amazing culture, better visibility of data. You can even play personalized songs as reps hit their goals.

Why Spinify? We believe in making leaderboards more interactive and more engaging than anyone else in the market. Giving you the maximum engagement, we have worked with gamification experts to engage players.

Installation instructions

Connect Spinify directly to your Pipedrive account using your API key. Deals, activities and more are kept in sync with Spinify so that you get real-time results on your leaderboards and achievements.

After creating a Spinify account, you only need to authenticate it with your Pipedrive credentials. We'll even create sample leaderboards and achievements for you.

For more information, can check out this walkthrough: https://help.spinify.com/integrations/integrate-with-pipedrive/how-to-integrate-with-pipedrive

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