Google Analytics Connector

Google Analytics Connector

by Zuev Software LLC

Automatically import information from Google Analytics to Pipedrive

Automate my pipeline and data, Other use cases

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One of the biggest problems in marketing is knowing which activities return revenue. Without insights like this, you're flying blind.

To solve this problem, we built the Google Analytics Connector: a tool to track the source of each Lead and Deal in Pipedrive. It helps you understand the true impact of your marketing campaigns and where you should put your money and attention.

You'll be able to see the ROI of each marketing campaign, ad, keyword, blog post etc.

Installation instructions

The installation works in two simple steps:

  1. Put a small piece of tracking code in JavaScript on your website

  2. Click "Authorize" to allow GA Connector to add tracking details to your Pipedrive Leads and Deals

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