WhatsApp and Pipedrive integration by TimelinesAI
by TimelinesAI
Nurture my leads, Communicate with leads, Automate my pipeline and data, Manage my accounts
Get insight into the communication of your sales and support team on WhatsApp at scale
TimelinesAI automatically saves WhatsApp messaging with your contacts into Pipedrive activities. Based on their WhatsApp number, it either adds them to an existing Pipedrive leads, person, and deal or creates new ones. You can select Pipeline to sync Deals from WhatsApp.
Effortlessly sync WhatsApp contacts as Leads or Persons into Pipedrive
Customize your WhatsApp contact synchronization by choosing the ideal module for your WhatsApp chats for seamless integration.
Integrate Pipedrive & WhatsApp with just few clicks
Connect from one to dozens of WhatsApp numbers, business or individual. Add a number yourself or send invites to your managers to scan a QR code generated by the TimelinesAI app.
Preserve the contact list of your managers
TimelinesAI works with existing WhatsApp accounts. You don't have to create a new number.
Improve your sales and support on WhatsApp
An additional benefit is a shared inbox for WhatsApp. Your team can manage contacts on WhatsApp, exchange comments, use quick reply templates, import/export contacts and much more.
To a video tour of our Shared Inbox application.
Get a free 10-day trial for your team Create a TimelinesAI profile and try the WhatsApp and Pipedrive integration for free for 10 days! The setup is as simple as connecting to WhatsApp Web, and the synchronization is fully automatic.
Instantly see and interact with WhatsApp and Pipedrive integration by TimelinesAI as you dive into the details of your deals/contacts in Pipedrive.
Timelines Whatsapp Integration
Locations:deal detailsperson details
Pop-up windows
Tackle complex tasks in WhatsApp and Pipedrive integration by TimelinesAI without leaving Pipedrive via their customized pop-up windows.
**To prevent WhatsApp chat activities from showing up on your calendar, open Pipedrive Settings>Calendar sync and uncheck the WhatsApp chat activity. **
Can I still use WhatsApp Web/Desktop with the connected number?
Yes. TimelinesAI supports Whatsapp MultiDevice connection. It means you or your managers can connect WA to Pipedrive and still use your favorite Whatsapp tool. Messages sync automatically in real-time.
How to connect multiple WhatsApp numbers
Introducing additional WhatsApp automation (Zapier/for devs):
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