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School of Code 2023 (Tartu)

One wise man once said that life isn’t about finding yourself but about creating yourself

Are you interested in IT and have already tried to create something independently? Or are you already studying IT but aren’t sure how things are done in large companies?

Pipedrive’s School of Code will provide you with a chance to learn how software development is done at one of Estonia's unicorns. We’re looking for motivated candidates who may not have formal education or work experience in the field but can demonstrate their passion and dedication to IT through personal pet projects, hobby apps and other independent initiatives.

Pipedrive’s School of Code is a three-month-long learning experience comprising two months of study and one month of work on a project as part of a team. You will be working with engineers from Pipedrive, who will mentor you full-time throughout the process. All interns will have a monthly stipend of €1000/month (gross), and we'll supply you with all the necessary equipment for your studies and work.

Where? Pipedrive office in Tartu

When? September 11 to December 17

Scholarship? Yes! €1000/month (gross)

Your path will consist of 5 parts:

  • JavaScript/TypeScript fundamentals (variables, data types, conditions, loops, functions, etc.)

  • Databases (relational databases, SQL, normalization)

  • Back-end development (NodeJS, Fastify, REST API, Knex)

  • Front-end development (HTML/CSS, React and Redux)

  • Working on a project (teamwork, Agile methodology, Git, CI/CD)

Does this sound like you?

  • You’re strongly motivated to become a software engineer
  • Open to learning new skills and working as part of a team
  • Ready to commit to the program full-time in our Tartu office
  • You can speak and understand English

Click "Apply now" below and send us your CV and a short video (2 minutes max) introducing yourself, describing your previous studies/experience and telling us why you’re interested in our program. We don’t care about your video editing skills, we just want to get to know you! (please, share your video with us via a link we can access: link to unlisted video on YouTube, link to Google Drive, etc.)