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Manage Your Dating Pipeline With the Pipedrive-Tinder Integration

Dating is a lot like sales - to win a deal, you need to handle a lot of contacts and conversations. Seeing that some of our customers use it for date management, like in the tweet below, we decided to develop one more integration to let people like Christina successfully manage the many conversations they have with their prospective matches. So we created an official integration with the dating app Tinder.

@pipedrive - Finding the right mate takes thought & planning too, right? Pipedrive for dating has arrived! Here we go..
— Christina Weber (@christinalweber) March 24, 2012

Why would you need a Tinder integration?

If you don't have an overview of the conversations you're having, let's just say things can get a little messy like it often does on Tinder. Pipedrive helps you see at which stage you are with any of your prospective dates. Being serious about dating requires having the ability to never drop the ball - you have to follow up with the people you're interested in by calling or messaging them, because otherwise the deal will go stale and you'll miss out on a great opportunity.

How does it work?

The Tinder integration helps you automate managing your dating pipeline. Every time you swipe right (i.e. like someone), they get moved into the Prospects stage in Pipedrive. In our example, we've swiped right with 6 different people.

Now, when you get a match on Tinder (i.e. both of you swipe right), the deal will be moved into the stage Qualified, which denominates interest from both sides. When you or your match sparks up a conversation, the deal is automatically moved to the stage Contacted.

Here's where you might want to turn on Pipedrive's deal rotting feature, which would turn the deal red in case there have been no activities with the deal over a set number of days. This would make sure that you don't drop the ball due to inactivity, letting you save the deal before it's too late.

You can easily schedule activities with your match from inside Pipedrive. For example, when you want to go on a date with your match, all you need to do is click on the small button next to the deal and the Schedule an activity box will appear. Your match will move into the Date proposed stage, and once the date is accepted into the stage 1st Date.

Whatever your criteria for success are, in the end you can mark a deal Won by simply dragging it to the right place. For us, that's a successful 3rd date with Allison.

And if you aren't as lucky with others, it's best to drag the deals into Lost so that you could focus on the deals that can work out well.

Happy closing!

PS! Use the promo code TINDERSPECIAL to get an extended 45-day free trial. Happy April fools.

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