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Analyze competitors to spot opportunities and threats. Learn how a competitive matrix makes analysis easier and start with a free template
Customer service management builds trust, boosts sales and fuels brand integrity. Learn how technology can help manage a customer service team.
Identifying sales opportunities helps improve efficiency and increases conversion rates. Discover how to find your next sales opportunity today.
Battle cards give your sales team the data they need when they need it. Learn how to create effective sales battle cards that help your team sell more.
Understanding different types of customers is the first step to personalizing sales interactions. Hone your knowledge with this guide to buyer types.
Customer interaction management shapes people’s experience with your brand. Learn what it is and how to improve every interaction people have with your brand.
Explore various types of customer service channels, from phone to social media, and learn how to choose the best fit.
A CRM framework ensures all your investments and activities contribute to the customer experience. Learn which CRM elements to align for more sales.
Great customer experiences inspire loyalty and advocacy while differentiating your business. Learn how to provide value across the buyer journey.
Google Contacts is a free contact management tool that automatically records contacts’ details. Learn how to set up Google Contacts for your sales team today.
A strategic account management plan boosts profitability by strengthening customer relationships. Learn how to grow customer loyalty in nine simple steps.
Wondering how to manage accounts in the SaaS space? Learn all about SaaS account management and the best practices you can use to ensure revenue growth.
Successful key account management boosts loyalty among high-value customers. Learn how to build strong, profitable relationships with a step-by-step guide.
Mapping the customer journey helps improve the customer experience at every touchpoint. Here are 8 customer journey map templates to help you get started.
Use these seven steps to build a knowledge base for your customers and create a bank of helpful content that’s interesting, connected and well-designed.
Introducing the concept of customer lifetime value (CLV), its various calculation methods and the benefits of calculating CLV
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