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Pipedrive Marketplace Monthly Apps Spotlight: October 2020

There are over 200 apps on the Pipedrive Marketplace, with more being added every month. In the latest app spotlight, we check out four apps that can help you drive your sales and marketing efforts and automate your activities.

  1. Converso
  2. Sherlock
  3. Target Robot
  4. Wingman

1. Converso

Busy customers live on their mobiles, but traditional channels such as email aren’t always noticed on mobile, making transactions a challenge with your mobile-first customers.

Converso sends payment requests via text so that businesses can benefit from text’s high open rate and engage with mobile customers.

Customers can pay with one-touch Apple Pay or GPay via branded invoice or checkout. Texts can be sent in a couple of clicks from Pipedrive, and contacts can be imported and filtered by People and Organization in order to send personalized messages to specific groups.

For convenience, customers can also connect on Messenger through their Facebook page.

To save time, all messages are handled in the same dashboard and messages, invoices and checkouts are automatically saved in the Pipedrive Notes section of the relevant person and organization, enabling a single view of your payment requests and interactions.

For a limited time, there’s no monthly cost, just head to the Pipedrive Marketplace to get started.


2. Sherlock

Do you run a product-led SaaS business? Do you want/need to have your product data in Pipedrive so that your entire go-to-market team can have more clarity and make better decisions?

If so, Sherlock’s product engagement scoring engine can contextualize your product data and push key metrics into contact and company records in Pipedrive.

With Sherlock, you’re able to:

  • Identify and build workflows based on Product Qualified Leads
  • Increase conversion rate with better product insights, allowing your team to focus on the right leads
  • Identify churn threats and expansion opportunities right from Pipedrive

Connecting Sherlock with Pipedrive can give your team the insights they need to work more effectively.

target robot

3. Target Robot

To help sales and marketing work better together, Target Robot has created Sync with Sales, a two-way integration tool that syncs your Pipedrive account with your Mailchimp account.

This enables you to:

  • Sync your contacts, companies, deals and email campaign results across Pipedrive and Mailchimp
  • Have a complete view of the sales pipeline
  • Learn what works and sell more

Use Mailchimp campaign data in Pipedrive to quickly sell to your most engaged prospects. View daily open and click rates on all your email marketing campaigns. Filter and track in order to reach out to your most engaged users.

A contact may be newly added to Pipedrive, but they may not be new to your marketing campaigns. If they’ve engaged with Mailchimp, Target Robot can provide your sales team with the history of a prospect.

You can share the sales pipeline information with your marketing team to keep them on the same page so they can help nurture leads, working with them to create personalized nurture campaigns for your prospects.

Head to the Marketplace to try out a 14-day free trial.


4. Wingman

Wingman is a conversation intelligence tool that helps salespeople sell better. It uses AI to analyze sales calls and surface actionable insights for salespeople to improve the quality of sales calls. Whether it is with video conferencing tools or dialers, Wingman seamlessly syncs the sales tools stack, analyses data and makes it accessible.

The Pipedrive-Wingman integration helps you:

  • Save time by keeping your CRM updated with customer interactions.
  • Avoid endless scrolls. Wingman AI helps you find the right call and the insights without you listening to a single call.
  • Get a quick refresher before your next call. Whether it’s the engaging question asked, or the follow-up actions discussed, Wingman tracks all the data on the calls and makes it available at a single glance.
  • Asynchronous sales coaching. With Wingman, sales coaching is real-time, actionable and contextual. Review an hour-long call in less than ten minutes, share feedback and build a library of best coachable moments, so you can ramp up your next rep quickly.

Head to the Marketplace to learn more.

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