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Share Pipedrive Dashboards with Your Team

All Pipedrive users can now internally share dashboards and the reports in them with other team members, even if they are not an admin. This allows everyone on the team to track the same performance metrics and see how close they are to reaching their goals.

When you’re part of a team or organization working towards the same goals, it’s vital that you can see the same real-time Pipedrive dashboards and reports. With access to the same performance metrics, it's far simpler to track progress, identify potential bottlenecks and communicate this information to colleagues.

That’s why we’ve enabled dashboard and report sharing for all Pipedrive users, no matter what permissions and pricing plan you have.

Now, all users can share dashboards and reports with:

  • Everyone
  • A team or multiple teams
  • A user or multiple users

However, users will only be able to see the information on the report or dashboard that they are allowed to see, based on their permission settings.

You can give other users viewer access to dashboards

You can give your colleagues viewer access to a dashboard and revoke access at the click of a button.

As a viewer of a dashboard or report, users can’t:

  • Add other reports to a shared dashboard or remove existing ones from it
  • Add shared reports to other dashboards
  • Share these dashboards and reports with other users

Users can make changes to a report a colleague has shared with them, but if they want to keep the changes they will need to save it as a new report and add it as one of their personal dashboards.

The quick filters are still available and individual to each user, meaning you will be able to apply quick filters even when you are not the owner of a dashboard.

Colleagues will be notified when you share a report with them

When a user is given access to a dashboard or report, they will receive an email notification. There are new “Shared with me” categories in the Reports and Dashboards sections of Insights sidebar, where you can find them.

This new feature builds on the Shareable Insights feature we launched last year, which enables you to share your Insights dashboards externally as well as internally, with people who are not Pipedrive users.

Sharable dashboards are available to all users on all plans. If you are new to Pipedrive and want to get your team on the same page, why not try Pipedrive free for 14 days.

This article was published on April 8, 2021. Product descriptions were correct at the time of publishing.

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